Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Unifying Theory

If God exists,why does he allow evil to exist? What is the nature of evil? I think I have been given an insight into God,s stade

Before  there was anything but a conscious intelligence,alone. This entity can be called God.ln REVELATIONS 12:7_9 ,God created beings,which we shall call angels, and He made them his equal to enjoy the splendor of the universe with Him. The only request God made to the angels, is that they hhonr Him as their creactor.

According to the bible, about half of the angels rejected this request and they felt as equals to GOd, why should they honor him, so they revolted. There was a great struggle between the angels loyal to god and the proud but ungrateful revolutionary angels.

Finally the loyal angels led by the arc angel Michael defeated the upstart angels led by Satan and were banished to a place that god created for them,hell. Eswerates were that half of god,s created angels were banished to hell.rbut god did not want to give up on his original need for company and pondered on how to replace the fallen angels but not have to be betrayed by upstart angels that feel they are better than I who has crated then, so god decided to have a test, a way to for his creations to prove their loyalty to him who has craetwd them

God decided that his applicants for the glory of heaven would not have power over nature, they also will be mortal and must face death. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Is Belief in God Necessary for a Civilized Society?

In my opinion these evil people that would go into a school and kill little kids, or kill for pleasure have no fear of God. If these killers thought they would burn in hell for all eternity, would they commit such evil acts? I would guess no, but after generations have children raised in a godless society, this is the result. Fear of human law will not discourage evil acts if they think they can get away with it. Some think they can get away with mass murder through suicide , but would they if  it meant they would meet final judgement in the "afterlife".

Now, you must get out of your head of an old man with a beard that lives in the clouds. It is time to take a modern scientific view of creation and our place in the great design.The bible, whether inspired by God or not, was written in metaphor so scientifically ignorant people of the time could understand creation. For instance, in Genesis, God says" let there be light", which corresponds with current scientific theory of the origin of the universe,"The Big Bang", which indicates the universe had a beginning and came from nothing. Whether it is the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Romans or Greeks, all believed in a god or many gods and believed in a "afterlife". The belief in some kind of deity was necessary to maintain order for civilization to take hold and thrive.

Why is that? To have civilization, you must have order, the inhabitants must obey the law even if no one is watching. A belief in a deity gives humanity a guide for life.This is what separates us from animals, which live in the moment without a thought for the future or their eventual death.Animals do not conceive of concepts of good and evil.

The eternal struggle between good and evil can be interpreted as the  struggle between order and chaos. The natural state of nature is chaos unless order is imposed on it.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Overview: Believe or not?

In this blog, we have discussed  current scientific theory attributed to the creation of the universe and life itself. Upon weighing the evidence there are two choices one must make: either the universe has a intelligent design or mindless, random interactions over billions of years created this extremely complex universe.

It is important in considering intelligent design, to put aside any visions you have of god as an old man with a beard, also forget about organised religions. This is purely a philosophical and scientific analysis. I am not going to discuss the science in detail now , that is there for you to read in the archives of this blog.

There are tremendous gaps in our understanding of nature. Einstein attempted to find a unifying theory that would explain the difference in the laws of physics between the macro, the universe we see and touch, and the micro, the inner nuclear world of the atom, which do not obey Newtonian physics, although the macro is made of the micro.

There are also flaws in Darwin's theory on evolution. Yes, there is evidence of evolution and change within a species but hardly any between species. Why is that? If it was a slow and gradual change , there should be ample fossil evidence between species, but there is not. In fact, the evidence shows great sudden leaps in evolution which would indicate some kind of intervention.

Why is considering some kind of intelligent design in nature, not science? Is it hostility toward organised religions? There are many theories that try to explain the mysterious of nature such as: multiple universes and string theory but there is no more evidence of these theories as there is of intelligent design.

As we are conscious of ourselves, could not consciousness be attributed to the universe itself? Is the universe conscious of itself? What is the purpose of the beautiful splendor of the universe and all it's galaxies and stars without conscious beings to witness it?

If there is no design and no conscious design behind it all, then we are doomed. The earth is going to be burned to a crisp one day when the sun runs out of fuel and blows up.If we exist because of a lot of lucky breaks, our luck will run out.

But on the other hand, if we are part of a great design, then the earth is just the womb where life can develop and then populate the universe.Science has recently determined that H2O, water, is abundant throughout the universe. There is infinite supply of energy and everything that is needed to sustain life out there in the cosmos. But to achieve this calls for long range planning beyond the normal lifespan.

If you are the kind of person that is only concerned with what affects you right now and have no care what happens to the world when you are dead, then atheism will comfort you.

However, if you are concerned about your children's and their future children's welfare then it is natural for you to seek a meaning for life.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Breaking News:Mysterey defines difference between humans and apes

Another example of those switches that control the genes by turning them on and off. According to this article the genes of humans and apes are identical. If you read between the lines of this article it seems that the difference between apes and humans is REGULATED .

'Junk DNA' defines differences between humans and chimps

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Breaking News:Dark Matter mystery deepens

Scientist studying what they call Dark Matter, that mysterious force that holds the galaxies together, are bewildered because experiments have shown that Dark Matter does not conform to what computer models says it should.

I have written about Dark Matter in this blog before where I have suggested that Dark Matter is not matter at all but a mass less force like gravity.

Dark Matter,Dark Energy and Gravity

Without the force called Dark Matter the galaxies would fly apart because normal gravity cannot hold them together. But what if Dark Matter is a force like gravity working at variable intensities to enable the universe to exist. It would suggest intelligence that would control the intensity of these forces.

Link to the Science Daily Article is below: 

Dark matter mystery deepens

Monday, September 19, 2011

Breaking News: Hidden Code in DNA

" A hidden code linked to DNA of plants allows them to develop and pass down new biological traits far more rapidly than previously thought". This is a quote from the Salk Institute for biological studies. They say this code most likely exists in mammals and humans.

What this means, as far as I can determine according to the article (link below), is that genes themselves are not the final determination of  what kind of person you will be. There are chemical switches attached to genes that turns them off and on related to what the organism will need to survive in a new environment.

This enables change in a species much faster than Darwin perceived and may account for the sudden appearance in evolution such as eyes,wings etc. It also accounts for the lack of fossil evidence of animals that evolved halfway, the missing links.

My question is: how do these switches know to do this? How, if they are just mindless ,random chemicals interacting, do they know to do this without some intelligence intervening.

Secret code