Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Unifying Theory

If God exists,why does he allow evil to exist? What is the nature of evil? I think I have been given an insight into God,s stade

Before  there was anything but a conscious intelligence,alone. This entity can be called God.ln REVELATIONS 12:7_9 ,God created beings,which we shall call angels, and He made them his equal to enjoy the splendor of the universe with Him. The only request God made to the angels, is that they hhonr Him as their creactor.

According to the bible, about half of the angels rejected this request and they felt as equals to GOd, why should they honor him, so they revolted. There was a great struggle between the angels loyal to god and the proud but ungrateful revolutionary angels.

Finally the loyal angels led by the arc angel Michael defeated the upstart angels led by Satan and were banished to a place that god created for them,hell. Eswerates were that half of god,s created angels were banished to hell.rbut god did not want to give up on his original need for company and pondered on how to replace the fallen angels but not have to be betrayed by upstart angels that feel they are better than I who has crated then, so god decided to have a test, a way to for his creations to prove their loyalty to him who has craetwd them

God decided that his applicants for the glory of heaven would not have power over nature, they also will be mortal and must face death.