Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Breaking News:Mysterey defines difference between humans and apes

Another example of those switches that control the genes by turning them on and off. According to this article the genes of humans and apes are identical. If you read between the lines of this article it seems that the difference between apes and humans is REGULATED .

'Junk DNA' defines differences between humans and chimps

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Breaking News:Dark Matter mystery deepens

Scientist studying what they call Dark Matter, that mysterious force that holds the galaxies together, are bewildered because experiments have shown that Dark Matter does not conform to what computer models says it should.

I have written about Dark Matter in this blog before where I have suggested that Dark Matter is not matter at all but a mass less force like gravity.

Dark Matter,Dark Energy and Gravity

Without the force called Dark Matter the galaxies would fly apart because normal gravity cannot hold them together. But what if Dark Matter is a force like gravity working at variable intensities to enable the universe to exist. It would suggest intelligence that would control the intensity of these forces.

Link to the Science Daily Article is below: 

Dark matter mystery deepens

Monday, September 19, 2011

Breaking News: Hidden Code in DNA

" A hidden code linked to DNA of plants allows them to develop and pass down new biological traits far more rapidly than previously thought". This is a quote from the Salk Institute for biological studies. They say this code most likely exists in mammals and humans.

What this means, as far as I can determine according to the article (link below), is that genes themselves are not the final determination of  what kind of person you will be. There are chemical switches attached to genes that turns them off and on related to what the organism will need to survive in a new environment.

This enables change in a species much faster than Darwin perceived and may account for the sudden appearance in evolution such as eyes,wings etc. It also accounts for the lack of fossil evidence of animals that evolved halfway, the missing links.

My question is: how do these switches know to do this? How, if they are just mindless ,random chemicals interacting, do they know to do this without some intelligence intervening.

Secret code

Saturday, January 15, 2011


           We have come a long way together, billions of years, from the birth of the Universe  to the origin of life.We have looked at light,gravity,dark matter and dark energy.We have examined the formation of the stars and the elements we are all made. We have accumulated evidence against atheistic scientific theory and towards Intelligent Design.
            Next, we will examine, in detail ,the foundation of atheistic belief, EVOLUTION.

            Evolution is defined as the change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms through successive generations. According to current scientific theory  there are three mechanisms that push evolution forward.
            NATURAL SELECTION: By chance, one organism has an advantage for survival over the rest of the population and so has a reproductive advantage over slower runners, thereby passing this advantage on to it's offspring. For Example: a rabbit that is a bit faster than other rabbits and has a better chance of not being eaten by a predator and so will have a chance to mate and pass that speed on to it's offspring.
            There is artificial selection as when a farmer mates plants and animals to produce desirable traits the farmer wants.
            Natural selection is consistent with Intelligent Design as once the process is established, it sustains itself as with the farmer.
            GENETIC DRIFT: is the gradual change in a population due to random events.
For example:75% of a population has the A gene and 25% have the B gene.If the organisms with the B gene do not have offspring,the B gene is wiped out. If only 1/3 of A have offspring but all of B than the A and B gene would be equal in the population.
             You can have endless combinations that will eventually lead to change in the population.This is very mathematical and is also consistent with Intelligent Design.
            MUTATION: We have gone over this in the last couple of chapters but to summarize,Mutation is the main source of change. This to me is another SMOKING GUN and proof of Intelligent Design.
             As we have covered, mutations are the result of mistakes in the DNA sequence. BUT , the odds for random mistakes to eventually lead to intelligence would be like winning the lottery every day.
             The bible of atheistic evolution is Darwin's "Origin of  Species" . We will examine the flaws in this theory. We will examine why, with at least 100 million fossils that are catalogued and identified in the world's museums, the fossil record does not support Darwin's premise.
reference #1