Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Let there be light"

    Reference #1  
          The next entity that I am going to get into gives me a headache. Doing research on this subject, I found conflicting data from the scientific community.When you get into quantum physics, I don't think even scientist and physicists understand it fully. I try to interpret to make it simple enough for you to get the basic understanding of another force, like gravity, which we  all take for granted but is extremely complex.That entity is light.
           Scientist have concluded that light is made of something they call a photon.A photon, according to current scientific theory is a particle with out mass. Mass is anything that has matter, something that we can see and touch all the way to the microscopic level.It also acts as a wave and a particle.There is no other entity that has both of these qualities.To give you an example, sound travels as a wave and electricity travels like a particle. Think of a billiard ball as a particle and the ocean as wave. Scientist call this phenomena, wave-particle duality. Scientist always give mysterious forces in nature, that they don't understand ,a name.
            Think about that for a second.. Light is carried by something that doesn't exist because it is made out of nothing. Even electrons have mass, which orbit the nucleus of atoms and carry electricity.
            Light or photons,which ever term you like, travels at the universes top speed limit of 186,000 miles per second and is self propelled. Anything with matter or mass needs some kind of external force to propel it but light propels itself. How does it do that? Scientists say it is self propelled because it has no mass.That's a pretty weak explanation if you ask me. They don't know for sure and theory about light changes every fifty years or so because they have no idea.
             Finally, there is no clear explanation of where photons or light comes from or how it came into existence.It is just there to use as we see fit.
\             More evidence, I say, of intelligence.

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