Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mutations (continued)

            I want to explore mutations in DNA further because there is a smoking gun hidden in this information.
Mutations are changes in a genomic sequence, which is the entire hereditary information of an organism.
            In the living cell, all DNA undergoes frequent chemical change, especially when it is being replicated. Most of the changes are quickly repaired. Those that are not result in a mutation.
            Fortunately, mutations are rare, estimated at 1 in every 10 million duplications of a DNA molecule. Our bodies contain about 100 trillion cells, so odds are we all have some mutated cells.
             So to be clear, a mutation is a result of a mistake in the DNA. They are responsible for many genetic defects such as: hemophilia,albinism and certain kinds of cancer and brain malfunction. These mutations can be caused by radiation or copying errors during replication.
              Here's where it gets real interesting. All evolution theory depends on these mutations to occasionally be beneficial. Why, because if these mistakes never happened, we would have never evolved beyond single cell organisms, such as bacteria.
            Are we to believe that random mistakes in the DNA, which have disastrous affects on the host organism , led to wings, eyes and intelligence? How do scientist explain this contradiction? Is it possible for mistakes in the dna replication to somehow evolve complex conscious beings? Does this not PROVE a consciousness intentionally altered the CHANGE in duplication to enable complex life to evolve. For life to evolve as complex as it is due to mistakes in the DNA replication is beyond comprehension . The odds would be tremendous, like winning the lottery every day.
         As I am writing this chapter, the Wall Street Journal printed a blog from some comedienne, Ricky Gervais titled "Why I am an atheist", I left a link below. I took the time to read it and he believes that science disproves the existence of God. He ,like many atheists, never talk about the actual science but pick apart religious documents, like the bible, as their proof of atheism. The bible should not be taken literally as it was written, in metaphor, thousands of years ago for uneducated people to understand their world and their place in it. For example: Saying the world was created in 7 days of coarse that cannot be true, there were no days in the beginning. But to say the world was created from the BIG Bang from nothing is a scientific fact. The Bible could have said"Let there be light and let it be both a particle and a wave,also let be mass less and self propelled.
          It is important to note that when scientists write a paper, they cannot mention anything meta-physical in their theories of how nature works.It is purely political. One has to use your own imagination and intelligence to read between the lines of scientific information.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Origin of life part 2 DNA

           DNA, the hereditary material in all living cells that carries the information to duplicate itself.Every human being has their own unique DNA code. The code is made up of four chemical bases:
            G- guanine

             The order of the basis determines the information available for building and maitaining an organism. For example: The 24 letters of the alphabet can be rearrange to write everything ever written in English.
            Basically what we are examining is information, the blueprint to make another similar organism. But it doesn't do that by itself. It is necessary for enzymes to exist, various types of proteins that drive the chemical reaction required for a particular action.
             So the enzyme is the worker, taking it's orders from the information on the DNA and performs perfectly what is required of it.
              Now, we have the info and the enzymes that read the info and do what it says. A question that I have and could not find an answer to was: How could the information and the workers evolve seperately from DNA but need each other to replicate life? How does it know to do that?
              A piece of DNA that dictates a particular trait is called a gene.The amount of info in DNA is staggering, a DNA strand is only 10 atoms wide but if you stretched out the strands in your body it would be about 500 million miles long.This is all the information to build your bones,eyes,heart and every other part and function of your body.
             One of the mysterious of science is how  identical cells,with the same DNA, will divide to form your heart while others form the other body parts.
              One theory is that there are switches that turn some genes on while turning some off. Where are these swithches? Until scientist find them, I will submit this as evidence of design.
             You were conceived when an egg from your mother and a sperm cell from your father met to give you 23 chromozones from your mother and the same from your father. This have you your own genetic code. There has never been ,in all history, anyone like you.
              If a problem occurs in the process, the new cells, if they survive ,can cause problems.These are called mutations. Here is a real smoking gun as far as I am concrned: Some mutations are beneficial. This is the basis of all evolution theory, a beneficial mutation that allows an organism to develope capabilities it's ancestor did not posses.
              A mutation is a mistake, a G where it should have been a T. So how can a mistake in the blueprint lead to a benifit in the organism?Can a bunch of mistakesin DNA from the first One cell organism ,all the way to us ,be just mindless luck.
              So, maybe all mutations are not mistakes but an improvement in the design.
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reference #2
reference #3