In this blog, we have discussed current scientific theory attributed to the creation of the universe and life itself. Upon weighing the evidence there are two choices one must make: either the universe has a intelligent design or mindless, random interactions over billions of years created this extremely complex universe.
It is important in considering intelligent design, to put aside any visions you have of god as an old man with a beard, also forget about organised religions. This is purely a philosophical and scientific analysis. I am not going to discuss the science in detail now , that is there for you to read in the archives of this blog.
There are tremendous gaps in our understanding of nature. Einstein attempted to find a unifying theory that would explain the difference in the laws of physics between the macro, the universe we see and touch, and the micro, the inner nuclear world of the atom, which do not obey Newtonian physics, although the macro is made of the micro.
There are also flaws in Darwin's theory on evolution. Yes, there is evidence of evolution and change within a species but hardly any between species. Why is that? If it was a slow and gradual change , there should be ample fossil evidence between species, but there is not. In fact, the evidence shows great sudden leaps in evolution which would indicate some kind of intervention.
Why is considering some kind of intelligent design in nature, not science? Is it hostility toward organised religions? There are many theories that try to explain the mysterious of nature such as: multiple universes and string theory but there is no more evidence of these theories as there is of intelligent design.
As we are conscious of ourselves, could not consciousness be attributed to the universe itself? Is the universe conscious of itself? What is the purpose of the beautiful splendor of the universe and all it's galaxies and stars without conscious beings to witness it?
If there is no design and no conscious design behind it all, then we are doomed. The earth is going to be burned to a crisp one day when the sun runs out of fuel and blows up.If we exist because of a lot of lucky breaks, our luck will run out.
But on the other hand, if we are part of a great design, then the earth is just the womb where life can develop and then populate the universe.Science has recently determined that H2O, water, is abundant throughout the universe. There is infinite supply of energy and everything that is needed to sustain life out there in the cosmos. But to achieve this calls for long range planning beyond the normal lifespan.
If you are the kind of person that is only concerned with what affects you right now and have no care what happens to the world when you are dead, then atheism will comfort you.
However, if you are concerned about your children's and their future children's welfare then it is natural for you to seek a meaning for life.
It is important in considering intelligent design, to put aside any visions you have of god as an old man with a beard, also forget about organised religions. This is purely a philosophical and scientific analysis. I am not going to discuss the science in detail now , that is there for you to read in the archives of this blog.
There are tremendous gaps in our understanding of nature. Einstein attempted to find a unifying theory that would explain the difference in the laws of physics between the macro, the universe we see and touch, and the micro, the inner nuclear world of the atom, which do not obey Newtonian physics, although the macro is made of the micro.
There are also flaws in Darwin's theory on evolution. Yes, there is evidence of evolution and change within a species but hardly any between species. Why is that? If it was a slow and gradual change , there should be ample fossil evidence between species, but there is not. In fact, the evidence shows great sudden leaps in evolution which would indicate some kind of intervention.
Why is considering some kind of intelligent design in nature, not science? Is it hostility toward organised religions? There are many theories that try to explain the mysterious of nature such as: multiple universes and string theory but there is no more evidence of these theories as there is of intelligent design.
As we are conscious of ourselves, could not consciousness be attributed to the universe itself? Is the universe conscious of itself? What is the purpose of the beautiful splendor of the universe and all it's galaxies and stars without conscious beings to witness it?
If there is no design and no conscious design behind it all, then we are doomed. The earth is going to be burned to a crisp one day when the sun runs out of fuel and blows up.If we exist because of a lot of lucky breaks, our luck will run out.
But on the other hand, if we are part of a great design, then the earth is just the womb where life can develop and then populate the universe.Science has recently determined that H2O, water, is abundant throughout the universe. There is infinite supply of energy and everything that is needed to sustain life out there in the cosmos. But to achieve this calls for long range planning beyond the normal lifespan.
If you are the kind of person that is only concerned with what affects you right now and have no care what happens to the world when you are dead, then atheism will comfort you.
However, if you are concerned about your children's and their future children's welfare then it is natural for you to seek a meaning for life.